Dear Blog,
I really don't see this relationship being a long one in fact I see this relationship going something like this.
Day 1: Decide that I am a super duper awesome writer and that I have all sorts of awesome things to say, so I will make a totally groovy (awesome writers don't use the same word twice in a sentence) blogger. All this stemming from the fact that I love reading Hyperbole and a Half and I want to be awesome like Allie.
Day 2: Create a free blog. Give it a cool name find that name is already taken so give it a not so cool name.
Day 3: Write what I deem at the time to be momentous beginning to the BLOG OF BLOGS!
Day 4: Not be able to think of anything to write about, decide that the momentous beginning was really more of a desperate attempt to be awesome that failed miserably.
Day 5: Post something whinny about my failed relationships and something proud about the fact that I am marrying the world's greatest man.
Day 6: Forget that this blog even exists.
Day 512: Refer to Day 1, but this will happen 506 days into the future.
Day 513: Realize that I have successfully killed 4 blogs at this point and yet still repeat the cycle.
Sorry that this is the way it has to be, but at least I am being honest with you and not promising a wonderful relationship to span lifetimes and galaxies.